Spanish Basic Language ProgramDepartment of Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese

Priscila Calatayud-Fernández

Priscila Calatayud-Fernández
Assistant Teaching Professor

141 Burrowes


PhD, Spanish Literature, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
BA, Literary Theory and Comparative Literature, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain
MA, Teaching Spanish as Foreign Language, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain
BA, Journalism, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain


Priscila Calatayud-Fernández works as an Assistant Teaching Professor of Spanish at Pennsylvania State University. She defended her dissertation Labor Exploitation and Resistance in Spain: Inoperative Figures of Work (1930-2014) in 2019 at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, where she taught courses on Spanish language and Peninsular Studies focused on Social Movements and Feminist Struggles. Priscila’s field of expertise is Modern and Contemporary Iberian Studies, with an emphasis on literature, film, and performing arts produced within Catalan-speaking regions. Her current research explores Iberian cultural representations of dispossessed and displaced workers during the late 19th and 21st centuries in articles and in her current book-length project. She received a B.A. in Journalism from Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, a B.A. in Literary Theory, and an M.A. in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language from Universidad de Salamanca. She also served as a lecturer at the University of Michigan and as an instructor and cultural program coordinator at Colorado College.