If you are looking to place out of lower levels of Spanish, you may wish to take the Spanish Diagnostic Exam. This exam will test your proficiency in the Spanish language and help the department determine the appropriate level for you to enroll.
Frequently Asked Questions
When is the exam?
The exam takes place on two consecutive days during the first week of the Spring and Fall semesters. For details about the upcoming exam, see the list below.
- Semester: Spring 2025
- Dates: Wednesday, January 15 and Thursday, January 16
- Hours: 8 AM to 6 PM daily
The time limit for the exam is one hour, so the last exam starts at 5 PM each day. You will only have one attempt to take the exam, regardless of what day you sign up to take it.

How do I sign up for the exam?
In order to access the exam, you will first need to pre-register by completing the Diagnostic Exam Registration Form. You will then need to sign up for an exam time. All registered students will be sent an email explaining how to choose a date and time for the exam.
Where do I take the exam?
The exam will be proctored at the Pollock Testing Center (104 Pollock Building). Complete the registration form above and you will be contacted with further information.
How do I take the exam? And when will I learn my results?
The exam is given via Canvas, Penn State’s Course Management System. Within two business days after taking the exam, you will receive an email message from someone in the Spanish Department with further information based upon your exam score. Results will not be released during the weekend or on a holiday.
I'm registered. Why don't I see the exam?
The course space for the exam is scheduled to appear at certain times during the semester. See the dates above. The exam will only be accessible during those specific times.
For more information on the exam, please call the Spanish department at 814-863-5417.